What is a recreational vessel rental?
Recreational Vessel (also known as bareboat) is a popular type of boat rental. In recreational vessel rentals, the renter is responsible for booking their own captain. Click here to find out more.

What is the maximum number of people can I have on the boat?
12 guests max. The captain and crew do not count towards your 12 guest total.

How do I find a captain?
There are plenty in Chicago! We have many captain contacts. Payment for your captain will be coordinated between yourself and your captain.

Do I need to tip the captain?
This varies by captain. We suggest discussing with your captain ahead of time.

What can I bring?
Food, drinks, utensils, decorations, coolers.

Where is your boat located?
Our boat is located at Belmont Harbor in the Lakeview neighborhood.

Can I bring alcohol?
Yes but please note that excessive cleaning due to stains could cause a loss in your security deposit.

Can I play music?
Yes! We have a speaker you can connect to.

What is the weather and cancellation policy?
Please review our weather and cancellation policy here.


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